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Weekly Schedule

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The Pictona Activity & Education Center, Osprey Room and Outdoor Courts are sponsored by FHCP.

    • Monday - August 26th - Osprey Room                                                                                                                    10am-11am - Stretch & Flex with Pam  
    • 1:30-2:30 - Brooks Holistic Movement for Parkinson's 
    • 3:00pm - 4:00pm - Croquet with Harold and company - Croquet Court
    • 5pm-6pm - Conviva Beginner Line Dancing with Joe Parilla 
    • 6:30pm-8pm -  Conviva Intermediate Line Dancing with Joe 
  • Tuesday - August 27th - Osprey Room 
  • Thursday - August 29th - All events in the Osprey Room
    • 10am-11am - MetroHealth Yoga Plus  sponsored by Metro Health in the SAC with Greg 
    • 11:15am - 12:15pm - Brooks Adaptive with Kim
    • 6pm-9pm  - Table Tennis - Games/SAC
  •  Saturday - August 31st
    • 9am-12pm - Table Tennis - Osprey Room
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