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Court Usage

  • AdventHealth Covered Courts 1, 2, 3: Available for Open Play, all skill levels. Courts  may be used at select times for Pictona programming.
  • AdventHealth Covered Court 4: Designated Challenge Court.
  • AdventHealth Covered Courts 5, 6, 7, and 8: Available for Open Play, all skill levels. 
  • MetroHealth Stadium Courts S1, S2, S3, & S4: When not being used for Pictona instruction, available for Open Play
  • MetroHealth Championship Court: Designated Challenge Court.
  • Courts 31-44: Available for reservations. When not reserved or being used for Programmed Play, available for Open Play, all skill levels.
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  • Scheduled events have priority over unscheduled activities. 
  • During the hot summer months the schedule is adjusted to optimize use of the covered courts. 
  • When it rains all covered courts switch to Open Play. Games in progress are allowed to finish. Instruction must stop on the hour to permit Open Play. 
  • Tournaments have priority over other court uses. If it rains, tournaments will have priority to use the covered courts. 
  • Players may use any open court for Open Play even if the court is designated for another purpose until the designated players arrive and request the use of the court. 
  • City entertainment events will have priority when scheduled for the MetroHealth Championship Court and also for Courts 31-44 and the MetroHealth Stadium Courts (S1, S2, S3, S4) because of the need to control sound.
  • Member use of courts has priority over visitor use of courts. We will not accept so many visitors that it denies members the use of courts with the exception of tournaments.
  • Using the above guidelines and with due consideration of specific requests and unusual circumstances, here is a hierarchy of priorities for scheduling courts. 
    • Open play for doubles and singles for members
    • Tournaments
    • Confirmed events, both Play Pictona and City events
    • Programmed play
    • Classes and courses
    • Camps
    • Private instruction
    • Skill rating
    • Reserved courts
    • Clinics by guest instructors 
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