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New Covid 19 Policy

Posted on August 12, 2020

MASKS REQUIRED. Everyone must wear a mask in all public spaces at Pictona at all times except when they are on the courts playing. As soon as you step off the court you MUST put on a mask. You may remove the mask for eating, drinking, and in private spaces (restrooms, offices). This requirement applies to not only the covered courts, but all courts.
SOCIAL DISTANCE. It is evident that some people believe that wearing a mask is total protection and thus disregard the social distancing guideline of maintaining 6 feet from each other. The mask is ONE effective step in protecting each other, but is significantly more effective when maintaining a distance of 6 feet from others. Please continue to practice social distancing and wear a mask to reduce the risk of becoming infected.
OPEN PLAY. Remember that you are to insert and remove only your paddle into the paddle racks with only ONE person stepping into the marked zone. This is an effort to maintain social distance. It did not work too well this past week. We encourage you to follow this simple action this week. If unsuccessful, we will go to an all-court reservation system which will be more inconvenient.
FAILURE TO WEAR A MASK. What happens if someone does not wear a mask when off the courts?

  1. A member of the Board, our Management Team, and our Volunteer Ambassadors will provide a firm but polite reminder to put on a mask. We also encourage all members to help remind each other to dawn masks when leaving the courts.
  2. If individuals ignore this reminder or later once again fail to wear a mask, they will receive a second reminder and be told that if it happens again they will be asked to leave the premises for 7 days, and if they choose to return, which we hope they will, they will be asked to sign an agreement that they will wear a mask and practice social distancing.
  3. If at any point a person states that he or she refuses to wear a mask, then that person’s membership will be revoked and we will refund their money less the number of months that they have been a member.
  4. If a person becomes seriously confrontational about this policy and refuses to leave the premises, we will call the police.

WHY? We are trying to protect you and asking you to help protect our members, guests, and employees. Wearing a mask and keeping your distance is the responsible thing to do. The United States has the dubious honor of leading the world in coronavirus cases, now numbering 5 million, one-quarter of the world’s reported cases. It took 3 months for the U.S. to have 1 million cases; we recently added our 5th millionth case  in 17 days. As you know, Florida is one of the leading states in new cases. Sports at all levels are being cancelled because of the virus. Governments and school districts are struggling with how to continue educating our youth. Hospitals and health care workers are overwhelmed with treating the sick. But we are still playing pickleball at Pictona and with your cooperation we will continue to do so.

Click here for the full COVID-19 Guidelines


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