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Registration and DUPR Problems?

For players registering without a DUPR rating, your self rating from your Pickleball/Pickleball Tournaments/Pickleball Brackets profile will be used to determine which skill level you will be eligible to register to play in.

If you do not have a value for Doubles, Mixed Doubles and Singles in your profile, you will need to edit your profile to add values for each of these categories before the registration software will allow you to register.

To edit your profile:

  • Log into Pickleball.com/Pickleball Tournaments (uses same password as Pickleball Brackets)
  • Your first name will appear in the upper right of the page
  • Click on your name
  • On the drop down menu, click on "My Profile"
  • A new window will open, click on "Edit Profile"
  • In your profile, locate the fields for Self Rating for Doubles, Mixed Doubles and Singles.  Fill in the appropriate values.
  • Click "Save" at the top of the screen.
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