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Update from Rainer

Posted on March 5, 2021


March 5, 2021

Pictona Brochure

We’ve created a new brochure to tell the world about Pictona. We are using it to recruit new members. We invite you to pick up one (or more if you can use them) to give to friends or family who may be interested in playing pickleball. They are available at the Welcome Desk.

When the Courts are Wet

When the rain has stopped we welcome your help in taking a squeegee to remove the pooled water to expedite the dying of the courts. Squeegees are located under the westend stairwell to the loft and behind the bleachers on court 15. Please return the squeegees to their homes when done. Thank you for the help.


I saw lightning for the first time the other morning and that reminded me to remind you about our lightning policy. We are able to continue to play under the 8 covered courts. We have lightning rods in place that provide a dome of protection. Whenever we detect lightning in the area, we will announce that everyone must leave the uncovered courts, the pavilion, the recreation courts, and community gardens immediately. See our full statement at this location on our website: https://pictona.org/play/rain-and-lightning/

Pictona Spring Singles

The Pictona Spring Singles will be held Saturday and Sunday March 13-14. Last day to sign up is March 6.

Florida Cup

The Florida Cup Team Pickleball Championship will be held at Pictona March 27. It’s a one-day event with teams of 6-8 players competing as a team. Players on a team may be all women, all men, or a mix. Pictona has 4 teams entered. Daniel Sullivan captains the 3.0 team, Roger Holt leads the 3.5 team, Chuck Mecklem the 4.0 team, and Scott Siewert the 4.5 team. Come watch them play and cheer our Pictona teams on as they compete against teams from across the state.


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