Presented by:
Dereck R. Prince, USA Pickleball Association Certified Referee 303-807-0798 |
move all timing faults to a consistent point in time: the actual serve of the ball
removed the "chess match" between referees and players and lets the game be decided
on the skill of the players only
Applying to both Recreational and Competitive/Tournament Play
• no longer valid
• why? To prevent possible conflict between referees and players (or among players
when no referee is present) when a let is called as well as possible cheating • ball MUST be played as normal
• if play is stopped or the ball is not returned, it is a fault
• provisional: on a one-year trial and may/may not be removed after the year • the ball:
can be held and dropped from as high as the player can reach
CANNOT be thrown down (i.e., downward force cannot be applied)
CANNOT be tossed upward either
can land ANYWHERE inside or outside of the baseline
can be dropped or re-dropped again and again (if, for example, it hits an
imperfection on the court and takes a weird bounce) as long as it happens
within the 10 seconds
can bounce more than once
• after the ball bounces, NOTHING MATTERS (e.g., contact point, upward motion, etc.) except the feet
• receiver must see the release or else the serve MUST be replayed
• player can impart any type of spin as the ball is hit
• serve can be with either a forehand or backhand motion
• server CAN be in motion as long as the serve happens within the 10 seconds • server may switch styles during a game without penalty
• slinging the ball up into the air before/to initiate the serve is NOT a fault • ball MUST be hit by the paddle before it touches the ground
• all the rules of a normal serve apply
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4. CallingtheScore:
• can be done while the server's arm is in motion
• MUST be completed before the ball is actually struck
• can be called by either teammate, not only the server; however, that person MUST
continue calling the score for the entire duration of the game, else it is a fault
• if an inadvertent score is called by the original server, the rally MUST be replayed
with no penalty
5. WrongScoreCalled:
• no fault/penalty!
• players have until the Third Shot to ask for a correction
• ball must be served again
• after the Third Shot, play must continue until the end of the rally and a correction
must be made on the next serve, otherwise it is a fault if play is stopped
6. LineCalls:
players should not call the ball “out” unless they can CLEARLY see a space between the line and the ball as it hits the ground
no replay simply because the receiving player did not clearly see the ball out
a player may overrule the opponent(s) TO THEIR OWN DISADVANTAGE
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Applying to Competitive/Tournament Play, Refereed or Not
1. LineCalls:
• may be appealed to the referee: if he/she did not see it CLEARLY, the ball is IN • may also be appealed to the opponent(s) if the referee also did not see it
• the verdict of the last person(s) to whom the appeal was made will stand
2. AppealsandOverrules:
• players can overrule a line judge's call to their own disadvantage
• players can also overrule a referee's call to their own disadvantage
• players can appeal ANYTHING done by the referee to the Head Referee or the
Tournament Director
3. QuestionsfortheReferee:
when a question is asked, the referee MUST stop play, answer the question, and
recall the score (right now, the 10-second count continues even though the referee
is answering a question)
a player may now also ask “Am I in the correct position?” and receive a “Yes, you
are” or “No, you’re not” answer
4. ErrorsofOmission:
• referee can correct an error at the end of a game BEFORE THE NEXT SERVE!
• referee can recall the players to the court to correct an error at the end of a match
(e.g., an out-of-position player or the incorrect server/receiver) BEFORE THE SCORESHEET IS TURNED IN!
5. Timeouts:
players may request one/all of their upcoming timeout(s) between games ahead of time
they don't have to be on the court to call them
if not used, they are rescinded without penalty
6. ChangeofEnds:
• is now a one-minute referee timeout • coaching is permitted
7. ChangeofStartingServerBetweenGames:
• no penalty, even if the referee or opposing team was NOT notified
• only if the starting server/receiver is NOT wearing the proper identification will a
fault be called
8. ServingBEFOREtheRefereeCallstheScore:
• ball is dead, therefore no fault/penalty
• player will be advised to wait for the score to be called • ball must be served again