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Pictona receives $2.5 Million ECHO Grant

Posted on January 19, 2022

Yesterday we were successful in receiving from the Volusia County Council a $2.5 million grant for the construction of Pictona 2, which will be a $6 million project completed in October 2022. The mayor, city manager, city commissioners, our full-time staff, and 50+ Pictona members made the trek to Deland, the county seat, to display our presence in support of the grant. The chair of the council was opposed to the grant and sought to persuade the other six members to oppose the grant. With no substance to his arguments, the six council members voted in favor of the grant. Julie and I would like to thank all of you who took the time to be present to support this final vote on the grant. We are certain it made a difference!

You can view the full News-Journal article here.




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